Bailee & Mom Just acting a little goofy. She loved playing with this ball. You can tell she is her mother's daugter (has some Anderson in her) because she likes to stick her tongue out when she concentrates!!! We joke that it is a family trait. These pictures are from the Health Fair (May 2008)--she went with me and sat at my booth.
As most of you that know us know we waited over 13 years to get Bailee. She is the highlight of our lives. We can't imagine our lives without her (and we wouldn't want to go back to a life without her). She was well worth the wait!!! She is growing up so fast. In 1 1/2 months she will be celebrating her 1st birthday. That seems un-real!!! It seems just like yesterday that we brought her home. She crawls everywhere, will walk if you hold her hands, she pulls herself up on everything, tries to feed herself, she has six teeth (2 on top and 4 on bottom) and her personallity is blooming more and more each day. She can say mom, dad, bup (for pup), rug, and a few other things. She loves to be outside with us and see the animals. She expecially likes the dogs and the horse, however we helped my brother-in-law brand calves 2 weeks ago and she liked all the little calves too. She is the best thing that has ever happened to us!!!